this is actually my 2nd time sitting for it.
failed on the first sit:p
thou i did nt pass on the first time, but i passed on the 2nd:x
booked the first or second slot @10.30am.
reached 5mins before the test (was supposed to reach 15mins before:p),
got the slip, to the seat which was assigned&waited for the test to start...
i took abt 25mins or more to ans all the 50qns.
i seriously took my own sweet sweet time to ans. haha! *twist*
checked my ans before pressing on the "end test" button.
(sound like one kiasu kid taking MCQ test)
actually checking the ans was just to waste time.
the truth was.... i dint dare to press on the end test button. *laughs*
after checking, decided to just go for it.
when i saw the 6 green letter words; "PASSED" appear on my screen,
that kinda "weee, omg" feeling is like.......!:p
i was like so happy, like a small kid who has got her ice cream!:D:D
next up shall be my Final Theory Test.
hope to pass on the first attempt to save time.
so... dear Driving License, come to yr highness soon plssss!
:D:D:D *happy happy*