was supposed to meet up with L, JiayingLuv&Lvlyb 145pm @Lot.
(fyi, we've planned to go Farmmart)
but due to the rain not giving us 面子, we were stuck @hm!:@
after some discussion, decided to go against the rain *crossing fingers*
since it had like stopped&head out w change of plans...
决定 to go Botanic Gardens instead of Farmmart,
cus we were afraid the rain would spoil our outing~
(but to our despair, we were wrong still! shld hav gone Botanic Gardens!!!)
u'll knw why laterrrr. back to the topic! *switch*
met at the same location- Lot @abt 2plus.
after some discussion&consideration...
Botanic Gardens till next time, Farmmart here we comeeee!
got on the shuttle bus, which cost 50cents per person.
we thought it was supposed to free? *frowns* no meh?!
nothing much infront, except for the 牛牛 statue which got us snapping,
&the smell of the bbq which were making us HUNGRYYY~ *laughs*

went down to the animal corner.
fed the goats, $1 for a bunch of veg,
than rabbits feeding, 50cents for a pack of carrot.
feeding spells F-U-N-N-N-N!

roam-d ard the place hoping to find other interesting stuff.
(fyi, we've planned to go Farmmart)
but due to the rain not giving us 面子, we were stuck @hm!:@
after some discussion, decided to go against the rain *crossing fingers*
since it had like stopped&head out w change of plans...
决定 to go Botanic Gardens instead of Farmmart,
cus we were afraid the rain would spoil our outing~
(but to our despair, we were wrong still! shld hav gone Botanic Gardens!!!)
u'll knw why laterrrr. back to the topic! *switch*
met at the same location- Lot @abt 2plus.
after some discussion&consideration...
Botanic Gardens till next time, Farmmart here we comeeee!
got on the shuttle bus, which cost 50cents per person.
we thought it was supposed to free? *frowns* no meh?!
nothing much infront, except for the 牛牛 statue which got us snapping,
&the smell of the bbq which were making us HUNGRYYY~ *laughs*
fed the goats, $1 for a bunch of veg,
than rabbits feeding, 50cents for a pack of carrot.
feeding spells F-U-N-N-N-N!

but it only end up with disappointment to us
*totally 失望!*

decided to head back to Lot instead of staying thr cus it was a BORE!

Luv, Lvlyb&I will NOT GO BACK thr anymore!!

unless for the bbq food! cus it was tempting us all the wayyy~ *giggles*

unless for the bbq food! cus it was tempting us all the wayyy~ *giggles*
sat down for a drink while waiting for the shuttle bus back to Lot.
costing us another 50cents-.-
(i sound like a stingy old woman here!)
@the Farmmart, only the feeding part was fun lo,
the rest was like bore-ness only pls.
the shops thr, 没有什么. not this close down jiu that close down:/
except for this particular wine shop which made us felt like 天堂!
the rest neh? one description; C-M-I!!
OHZZZ! did i mention? even the prawning thr sucks lo.
the water is like full of the green green fungus,

Luv&I looked in machiam no prawn one lo!!
thr are even dead guppies inside
prawn what sia?!

wanna prawn, pls go to Bishan's one~
back to Lot&waited for the shuttle bus to Warren for our dindin.
finally with the 4of us, Lvlyb could get to eat her Angoli Curry Fish head.
she was happy ttm!:D:D i love her okkkk! *shy shy*
dindin for the night;
Curry fish head; Chicken wing; Jap baby squid; Hotplate tofu
we were all so full&bloated after the meal.
slacked, chitchat, laughters after dinnerrrr~